Monday, March 19, 2012

Slow and Steady

     This week brought both exciting and not-so-exciting steps in my weight loss journey.  On the upside, I hit my 3-mile running goal!  I’m very happy about that.  I’m incredibly slow, but run the whole thing.  I was at the lake with Rachel when I ran it.  She was already done with her run and was waiting for me.  When I finished, she asked how far I went.  I was barely able to get out the word “three”, because I was breathing so hard.  She was very congratulatory and happy for me, but once I regained my breath, the first thing I said to her was, “So does this get easier and more enjoyable at some point?”  In other words, I still am not an exercise-fan, and I honestly don’t care that much for running.  But of all my cardio choices, this is the lesser of all the possible evils, in my opinion.  And I have to admit, the “post-run” feeling is pretty incredible.  And the fact that my husband and Rachel are also runners makes it fun as we all go to the lake together.

            On the not-so-exciting part, I only lost a pound last week.  I realize that isn’t supposed to be “not exciting”, but the reality is, after a week of planning, cooking, measuring, and exercising, I really would prefer to see my normal two-pound weight loss.  Now I know all the sayings I’m supposed to say to myself (and I have many of them pinned on Pinterest), but the brute reality is that sometimes the slow, healthy, safe weight loss route can be a bit…well, long.  But at least the scale is going in the right direction and in total that puts me at minus 38 pounds, which still amazes me.  Onward and upward, er, downward…you know what I mean.

            Here are a couple samples lunches from last week, since I keep getting requests for what I eat.  Why these two?  Because they are the only two I remembered to take a picture of!  But I have both incorporated in every week, so it’s a good sampling.

1.  Turkey breast and broccoli/cauliflower stir fry
I get the turkey breast at Costco and then cut it into 3 ounce slabs and bag individually.  Then I just heat it up on the day I want to use it, by heating up both sides in a skillet over medium heat.  I then take either 1/8 or ¼ cup of raw almonds (depending on how many calories and fat I can spare that day) and chop them up.  I heat 1 tablespoon of Kirkland Signature Organic Strawberry Spread with the chopped almonds and serve on top of the turkey breast. 

I do most of my veggie stir fries in Pam Olive Oil spray, seasoned with Mrs. Dash.  Sometimes it gets too dry and starts to burn, in which case I'll add a tablespoon or so of Organic Chicken Stock to give it some moisture. I always keep a carton of it in the refrigerator to use as needed. 

2.  Stir fried chicken, yam cubes, stir fried brussel sprouts and mushrooms
Since I already stir fried a bunch of chicken for the week (again in Pam Olive Oil cooking spray and Mrs. Dash Chicken flavor), all I had to do was re-heat the chicken (in some of the chicken stock for moisture) and sauté the already sliced brussel sprouts and mushrooms.  

The yam cubes are a favorite and I have them several times during the week.  Peel and cut the dark orange yams into cubes and put in a bowl.  Add 1 tablespoon olive oil, sea salt and pepper.  Optional:  sprinkle a pinch of coconut sugar on top. Place on an aluminum baking sheet and bake at 450 for about ten minutes.  Turn.  Bake another 10 or so minutes. 

I'll post a couple of dinner recipes next week.  I'm anxious to see what this week brings!

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