Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Up and Down

           Well February has been quite a rollercoaster month.  I lost, I gained, I lost again, and then gained again.  Not surprised at all by this, since my eating was a bit off this month (which is a nice way of saying I totally blew it on a somewhat regular basis).  So thankful for my accountability group, who reminds and encourages me to stay on track (or, in my case, to get back on track).

                I was given the opportunity to talk about my weight loss journey recently on the radio.  A friend of mine hosts a weekly program on Sport City Chefs, an internet blogtalk radio station.  She and her husband are both former world champions in arm wrestling for multiple years.  It was a great experience and helped excite me again for this journey I am on.  You can find the interview online at: 

                At the end of the program, Carolyn summarized the show by listing the below 11 points that were discussed in the interview.  I thought that would be an easy way to work in my blog post this month!  So here they are:

1.      We don’t need a program. We need a paradigm shift for the rest of our life
2.      Learn to own your decision to lose weight
3.      Eat less, move more
4.      Feelings follow form
5.      Still do what you’re called to do, whether you feel like it or not
6.      Give people you trust permission to meddle in your life- for your sake.
7.      Create a different way of looking at food
8.      Walk ¼ mile, jog a ¼ mile.
9.      Get a buddy to hold you accountable.
10.   Join my online weight loss accountability group by emailing me at
11.   Don’t let the scale dictate your mood.

Okay, let’s talk food!

My newest favorite for breakfast:  Blueberry Protein Pancake

1 scoop protein powder (I use the Cookies and Cream flavor from Iso Pure)
2 egg whites
2 tble. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 medium ripe banana (mashed)
½ frozen blueberries (thawed)
¼ c. dry oatmeal

Mix the above together with a wire whisk.  Generously spray a dark coated pan with Olive Oil Pam spray.  Pour the whole thing in.  Not going to lie: this thing is really hard to flip.  Be sure you sprayed generously and don’t worry if it doesn’t look pretty.  It’s well worth it in terms of taste!  Top with Walden Farms calorie free (as in ZERO) Blueberry syrup.  

Calories:  370.  SO GOOD!

The below is a before/after shot of my husband and I at our daughter’s high school formal.  Such a fun night!